ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Reason : FUN. -terence.

i joined canoeing fer fun? haha maybe i started out wrongly. cos i did join cos i tot it was fun.. n bill was telling me at da open house its tough.. but MANAGABLE.. i could still remember his expression at da time when he told me n shiwei.. den we signed up n wrote weiyuan name down on da list as well.. great.. den came first training.. which i started off.. dying.. hmm 50 pushups on da first trainin on da scorching hockey D.. ouch.. i couldnt hang properly.. i couldnt even do 10 pushups. great.. hmm den was crunches.. which was as bad.. then jumpingjacks.. unfit person.. heh.. does tis happen to u all when u juniors joined? every single junior tis year joined was fitter than me.. hmm *ponders*

anywae.. as i was saeing.. den we went fer a run.. lyk wad continues.. i couldnt keep up too.. great job ey.. cant do pushups cant hang cant do situps cant run cant do jumpingjacks.. i remembered tis HUGE fella (Eugene) was running beside me.. he was lyk lets go! lets go! lets go!.. "close up da gap" n "DO U WAN IT?" lyk screaming at me at da top of his voice.. n i was lyk thinkin in my heart.. would u find shuting da @%*&.. it was super duper irritating.. n noisy.. when i was tryna so hard to juz keep running.. hmm.. finally da run ended.. n we had water break great.. den was pullups.. 3x5 pullups.. cant do a single one.. cant do pushups cant hang cant do situps cant run cant do jumpingjacks cant do pullups.. n da list goes on..

hmm after tat training was all heads down all eyes close n tis fella tall n qt skinny (Gabriel) was in front asking.. who tinks todae training was tough? ok? too easy? i din even respond. i was juz dead tired..

after tat was wad intro tingy. all da seniors sae their names n class and wad not.. n i dun supposed i remembered any of it? after trainin tis skinny fella (JunWen) came n talk to me.. he spoke alot but i tink nothing really went in.. i was damn tired.. n juz lyk my brain was not working he juz kept going n going n going.. blah blah blah.. finally.. i went to bathe n ate n went home..

i slp right after i reached home.. next morning i realised i couldnt move my arm.. haha i really couldnt.. it was super duper pain.. it slowly became better in a period of abt 1 week+ hmm.. how many pple actually get da chance to fell tat in their entire life.. haha :) not many..

wad kept me going was prob them. :) which i stayed on.. n now i am haven died yet? haha n i believe i am alot fitter ey? hmm.. i joined canoeing out of fun? curiousity? cos gabriel siew changed so much? haha :) alrite.. tats abt wad i wanted to sae.. i dun really noe how u pple felt after da first trg.. anywae da past 1 yr + was great to me.. it was memories tat i will remember 4ever.. :)

tis club has changed me qt alot.. haha tats pple tat noe me b4 i joined haha.. anywae it great to be wif my bunch of teammates.. juniors i wonder how u pple r feeling now.. its 2 daes to comp.. n da seniors time is almost over.. how much haf u all achieved in da past 7 mths? was da time spend in da club worth it? could u haf done something better elsewhere? is tis all worth it? can u look into all yr teammates in da eyes. n tell them i haf no regrets being wif all of u?

juniors becoming seniors.. u all will feel how we felt in abt 5 mths time.. :) when da new batch of juniors come in :) enjoy yrself.. great year ahead :) IS IT?
many more challenges to come!! LYK WAD?

DUH *points bicep* enjoy yr dae pple.. :) i am gonna rest. rest wel guys.


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