Staying Alive
hi guys and girls. the blog's a bit dead so i guess ill touch on the issue of health.
a healthy mind and a healthy body will make you go a long way.
now, what is a healthy mind and a healthy body? a healthy mind is one which is clear, without heaviness or tiredness or fatigue , which responds quickly and vividly to stimulation and possesses quickness of thought. the ability to focus well is also the hallmark of a healthy mind.
a healthy body is one free from aches and pains and chronic injuries. it is responsive to demands placed upon it, able to be used upon command by the brain and is sublime and swift in movement. it has no fatigue or heaviness.
thus we come to the team. apparently, we are not of healthy mind and healthy body right now.
people are sick. people are walking around in a daze and thats in school at recess time when its time to do chin ups. people complain of aches and pains and joints going bust.
mentally, people are also dead. i have people telling me they cant switch from 3 times 17 pull ups to 3 times 20 pull ups when its just a change of 3 reps per set. i have people telling me theyre tired and sleeping in class (of which i do as well)
so, here's what to do, guys and girls, without compromising your strength and efficiency. its called working smart, and its something ive been doing sicne ive joined canoeing and its what has helped me survive longer than the rest.
1)Get enough sleep
if ure gonna do 5 hour nights every night, by wednesday you are going to look like a piece of crap. get at least 6 hours a night, with one night dedicated to a nice, full 8 hours sleep. if u have free periods and u dunt feel like studying, sleep dammit, stop talking to chiobus or yandaos. sleep is THE MOST IMPORTANT commodity you can ever possess in your entire life. muscles get repaired during sleep, cells get recharged with energy, metabolism gets slowed down so u dunt feel hungry all the friggin time like some food addict needing to satisfy his craving. u dunt sleep enough, u feel like eating a hell lot more, which means your digestive system is going to take leave every now and then. notice ure getting more stomachaches and shitting more? somebody's not happy with you.
2)Eat the right thing
ok look, we all know that u love fried food and shiwei's staple diet is Cheezels (tm), but if u arent feeding your body the right way, it wunt be treating u the right way. makes sense?
what to eat:
carbos are your main source of energy used in cellular respiration for the release of energy as well as intercellular reactions involving the formation and storage of glucose and glycogen, all energy sources. u need this stuff to keepyoure muscles moving in a sprint. u dunt guzzle enough, youll find that u fatigue a lot faster than u would otherwise. if u dunt believe me, try eating tons of carbo a for a few days before saturday water prac and tell me if u can somehow survive better.
stuff high in carbos:
1)Rice (duh)
2)Pasta (duh)
3)Bread (Wholemeal, duh)
5)Noodles(duh) btw, japanese noodles are very giood sources of carbo
eat these like the animal you are.
after carbos, these will be your next mantra. protein is basically what u are made up of. muscles, cells, all these are made up of protein, they are your structure, in a nutshell. your body has ample stores of protein but if u really want to pack on the mass, you need a little extra from what u usually get everyday. a typical athelete needs 1 gram of protein for every POUND of body weight A DAY. thus if u weigh 130 pounds (about 54 kilos like me) then you would need 130 grams of protein a day to keep those buggers happy and strike free. if u wanna put on more muscle, workout more and eat more protein.
stuff high in protein:
1)Chicken Breast
3)Egg White
7)Soya Bean Milk
8)Protein Powder (Duh)
9)Fish (though not as much as livestock)
basically, if it walks on two or four legs, eat it. if it lays eggs, eat em. don't do stupid things like eating egg whites raw like you see in Rocky or something. uncooked foods contain bacteria and you might get a pleasant case of salmonella (food poisoning) and shit out all your good work.
a healthy mind and a healthy body will make you go a long way.
now, what is a healthy mind and a healthy body? a healthy mind is one which is clear, without heaviness or tiredness or fatigue , which responds quickly and vividly to stimulation and possesses quickness of thought. the ability to focus well is also the hallmark of a healthy mind.
a healthy body is one free from aches and pains and chronic injuries. it is responsive to demands placed upon it, able to be used upon command by the brain and is sublime and swift in movement. it has no fatigue or heaviness.
thus we come to the team. apparently, we are not of healthy mind and healthy body right now.
people are sick. people are walking around in a daze and thats in school at recess time when its time to do chin ups. people complain of aches and pains and joints going bust.
mentally, people are also dead. i have people telling me they cant switch from 3 times 17 pull ups to 3 times 20 pull ups when its just a change of 3 reps per set. i have people telling me theyre tired and sleeping in class (of which i do as well)
so, here's what to do, guys and girls, without compromising your strength and efficiency. its called working smart, and its something ive been doing sicne ive joined canoeing and its what has helped me survive longer than the rest.
1)Get enough sleep
if ure gonna do 5 hour nights every night, by wednesday you are going to look like a piece of crap. get at least 6 hours a night, with one night dedicated to a nice, full 8 hours sleep. if u have free periods and u dunt feel like studying, sleep dammit, stop talking to chiobus or yandaos. sleep is THE MOST IMPORTANT commodity you can ever possess in your entire life. muscles get repaired during sleep, cells get recharged with energy, metabolism gets slowed down so u dunt feel hungry all the friggin time like some food addict needing to satisfy his craving. u dunt sleep enough, u feel like eating a hell lot more, which means your digestive system is going to take leave every now and then. notice ure getting more stomachaches and shitting more? somebody's not happy with you.
2)Eat the right thing
ok look, we all know that u love fried food and shiwei's staple diet is Cheezels (tm), but if u arent feeding your body the right way, it wunt be treating u the right way. makes sense?
what to eat:
carbos are your main source of energy used in cellular respiration for the release of energy as well as intercellular reactions involving the formation and storage of glucose and glycogen, all energy sources. u need this stuff to keepyoure muscles moving in a sprint. u dunt guzzle enough, youll find that u fatigue a lot faster than u would otherwise. if u dunt believe me, try eating tons of carbo a for a few days before saturday water prac and tell me if u can somehow survive better.
stuff high in carbos:
1)Rice (duh)
2)Pasta (duh)
3)Bread (Wholemeal, duh)
5)Noodles(duh) btw, japanese noodles are very giood sources of carbo
eat these like the animal you are.
after carbos, these will be your next mantra. protein is basically what u are made up of. muscles, cells, all these are made up of protein, they are your structure, in a nutshell. your body has ample stores of protein but if u really want to pack on the mass, you need a little extra from what u usually get everyday. a typical athelete needs 1 gram of protein for every POUND of body weight A DAY. thus if u weigh 130 pounds (about 54 kilos like me) then you would need 130 grams of protein a day to keep those buggers happy and strike free. if u wanna put on more muscle, workout more and eat more protein.
stuff high in protein:
1)Chicken Breast
3)Egg White
7)Soya Bean Milk
8)Protein Powder (Duh)
9)Fish (though not as much as livestock)
basically, if it walks on two or four legs, eat it. if it lays eggs, eat em. don't do stupid things like eating egg whites raw like you see in Rocky or something. uncooked foods contain bacteria and you might get a pleasant case of salmonella (food poisoning) and shit out all your good work.
At 1:27 AM, fiaery said…
These are power foods.
Dark Chocolate
Red wine (or rum), in moderation of course.. aw but you have the diet. I'm ok with yomeishu or DOM though...
Salmon (raw and best with skin and honey)
kiwi fruit (great for recovery and energy)
full fat milk powders... klim or nespray...
Assorted whole grain/nuts (muesli or cereal)
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