ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Monday, July 26, 2004

Rewards and Expectations

hello boys and girls.. its me again! don't worry, im not here to jack the juniors. rather, i was just wondering about...the reasons that we have joined canoeing. cmon, be honest.... im sure not all of you has joined canoeing for the same reason. there are many reasons and factors that people have joined canoeing.. personal glory? wanting to be fitter and stronger? command respect by carrying the title of a 'canoeist'? the list goes on and on..
hmm.. i hope u guys can post up the reasons on why u have joined canoeing.. it would be quite interesting to here all your views.. just what do u expect to gain out of canoeing?
i'll start the ball rolling by stating the reasons on why i had joined canoeing. I first joined canoeing in april. at first,(k i gotta be honest), it was for the cca points. seriously.. and the rush of diving back into my old sport.. however within the short span of four months, i felt that my real reward in joining back canoeing was the team. God, i love the team. It was the team that has sustained me through the numerous times we had to do 'prolonged' push-up sessions... or during UADs.. it was the bond that we shared.. the feeling that everybody shared when we survived torturous and hellish training session.. How we were able to joke about everything and anything... the different characters we had but only one goal in mind: To Be Strong and Disciplined, to uphold the spirit and values of the sport.. Having that special team, i believe that mountains can be moved and that kallang can feel our presence whenever the ac canoeing team is in DA house!the team team team team... it's the essential ingredient,the infrastructure,the backbone and the foundation for the ac canoeing club...not to mention the sport
another reason would be the satisfaction i get from surviving a training that almost killed me.. believing that the barriers of pain aint enough to stop me from breaking through and going beyond... the discipline i have cultivated through my time in canoeing.. the character i have developed in stay strong in the face of adversity.. to have the courage to go beyond and on and on and on... and not to falter once we hit a wall..
well, these are my reasons and i hope u guys will share yours.. dont just stone and read mine.. in the words of kazaa users. SHARE SHARE SHARE OR YOU'LL BE BANNED!
ok im signing off...
last words:is it? is it? is it IS IT?? IS IT?? DUH!!!( points at bicep)
bye bye.


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