Home Training.
hello boys and girls, im a bit sian today and this website is quite dead so i'll just post up something for everyone to read. i'd like take this chance to ask everyone to try and use this webpage. i know most of u guys know that this blog is for the team, so please use it. anything u have to say or any thoughts u have.. just post it up. no one's going to like insult you behind ur back because u posted some nonsense. Anything concerning the team ain't nonsense. The bottom line is.. dont hum.
anyway, back to the point.. Prior to the talk nick had with us on saturday. Why is home training so important? Why? i mean its just a few push-ups or sit-ups everyday right? so WHY?
well, here's a little info for you, your stamina drops every two days u dont train. your muscular strength drops every week u dont train. SO.. imagine this, u train like a mad dog and ur fitness goes up by two points.. then u dont train for the next two days.. ur fitness drops by one and the cycle repeats itself until nationals. During nationals, u find urself losing to others who have been training consistently.. religiously doing their push-ups or sit-ups everyday but enduring the same training as you..
well, during your training period... ur fitness graph is sort of like a zig-zag across the graph.. increasing,decreasing,increasing... well others.. have a straight line or even an exponential(a curve or something like a half U) graph.
Guys and Girls.. doing ur push-ups and sit-ups just MAINTAINS ur fitness.. it doesnt increase ur fitness much but at least it maintains it.. wouldn't u think it worth it to do those push-up if it will get somewhere in the nationals..
ok moving on, lunch-time training.. chip-ups.. well well.. i don't think most of us like chin-ups.. its much harder to do compared to push-ups or sit-ups. BUT it is essential for canoeing training muscular endurance. i know most of u would complain about lunch-time training.. 'we don't have enough time for recess/lunch' or the injury complain 'ah my back hurts' or 'im too tired from yesterday's training'.
ok for this first complaint, guys... the seniors can do 3 sets of 17 chin ups, do incline push-ups and can STILL have enough time to eat rice or noodles with ice milo(courtesy of wei yuan). i also suggest that u guys find a time where u guys can do together.. quick and easy.. or perhaps assign shift leaders.. to make sure everyone does their chin ups.. i could tell u wat i thought of lunch-time training at first and how my mind-set changed.. but that would make this post bloody freaking long so ya.. furthermore, i'll bet u guys waste too much time dilly dallying around... taking too much rests in between.. cutting short ur chin ups.. or u take too much time stretching this stretching.. guys cmon, its just wat.. maybe 15 for u all? just jump up and pull the damn bar down. i can guarantee no one will get hurt.. if u get hurt after one set of chin-ups... i guess u should have died after one session of training right?
ok i realise this is like another jibe at the juniors.. take it positivily like the many points i hoped u have learn... small efforts along the long road would reap bigger fruits of success.. ok that was a whack saying but u guys know what im saying right? damn this is really one hell long of a post.
ok i'll sign off now leaving you with this quote i got from some NJ canoeing webpage while searching for information on the lanes.
"It is at the barriers of pain where men and boys are separated"-Emil whatshisname
think deep... very deep...
anyway, back to the point.. Prior to the talk nick had with us on saturday. Why is home training so important? Why? i mean its just a few push-ups or sit-ups everyday right? so WHY?
well, here's a little info for you, your stamina drops every two days u dont train. your muscular strength drops every week u dont train. SO.. imagine this, u train like a mad dog and ur fitness goes up by two points.. then u dont train for the next two days.. ur fitness drops by one and the cycle repeats itself until nationals. During nationals, u find urself losing to others who have been training consistently.. religiously doing their push-ups or sit-ups everyday but enduring the same training as you..
well, during your training period... ur fitness graph is sort of like a zig-zag across the graph.. increasing,decreasing,increasing... well others.. have a straight line or even an exponential(a curve or something like a half U) graph.
Guys and Girls.. doing ur push-ups and sit-ups just MAINTAINS ur fitness.. it doesnt increase ur fitness much but at least it maintains it.. wouldn't u think it worth it to do those push-up if it will get somewhere in the nationals..
ok moving on, lunch-time training.. chip-ups.. well well.. i don't think most of us like chin-ups.. its much harder to do compared to push-ups or sit-ups. BUT it is essential for canoeing training muscular endurance. i know most of u would complain about lunch-time training.. 'we don't have enough time for recess/lunch' or the injury complain 'ah my back hurts' or 'im too tired from yesterday's training'.
ok for this first complaint, guys... the seniors can do 3 sets of 17 chin ups, do incline push-ups and can STILL have enough time to eat rice or noodles with ice milo(courtesy of wei yuan). i also suggest that u guys find a time where u guys can do together.. quick and easy.. or perhaps assign shift leaders.. to make sure everyone does their chin ups.. i could tell u wat i thought of lunch-time training at first and how my mind-set changed.. but that would make this post bloody freaking long so ya.. furthermore, i'll bet u guys waste too much time dilly dallying around... taking too much rests in between.. cutting short ur chin ups.. or u take too much time stretching this stretching.. guys cmon, its just wat.. maybe 15 for u all? just jump up and pull the damn bar down. i can guarantee no one will get hurt.. if u get hurt after one set of chin-ups... i guess u should have died after one session of training right?
ok i realise this is like another jibe at the juniors.. take it positivily like the many points i hoped u have learn... small efforts along the long road would reap bigger fruits of success.. ok that was a whack saying but u guys know what im saying right? damn this is really one hell long of a post.
ok i'll sign off now leaving you with this quote i got from some NJ canoeing webpage while searching for information on the lanes.
"It is at the barriers of pain where men and boys are separated"-Emil whatshisname
think deep... very deep...
At 10:21 AM, Wilfred said…
This is very true and one point where a lot of people fail to do .... common complaints are like studying at home until very tired lah....i need to rest my body lah aching all over , etc etc .....
guys, do realise this ... doing home training can actually help to clear all the lactic from your muscles, improve your recovery, and all the other good stuff that comes with regular training....
trust me it can be done.
with regards to the study until very tired... take a break from your revision, studying, tutorials, etc, do some exercise.. you will feel more alert and awake....
trust me... take it from a guy who has lessons from 0830 in the morning till 1930 at night , and still trains 5-6 times a week .......
during holidays we train twice a day, 6 days a week.... and we still do our home training .....it can be done and it only requires 2 things.. commitment and drive(passion) ......... do you love what you are doing ? are you willing to do everything you can to be prepared to go kick ass at the nationals ?
cuz if you're not .... what have you trained so hard for the past 7,8 months ? in the case of the year 2s, its almost 20 months.......might as well not train liao ....
if you wanna be prepared ... don't short change yourself by not doing your home training...
another issue i wanna bring up is... SAFETY!!
Guys.. i know you are doing race set. and don't wanna give way to anything... sometimes adrenaline pumping and not thinking straight, but know that in comparison to a dragonboat you are rowing a go-kart against a tank...
squeezing in between 2 dragonboats that are less than 2 meters apart, while we are helping a capsized kayak that's in between us to recover is NOT SAFE!
anyway you should know who you are...it happened on sat 24th july...canoe involved was JR...
anyway guys, just row safely and take care of yourselves.... race day coming and be prepared to go kick ass ......
Remember this phrase...
better to have suffered the pain of discipline than the pain of regret....
i wish you all the best in the nationals.
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