ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Sunday, August 15, 2004

some of my thoughts...

Hmm its 230 am in the morning and I am feeling bored doing math papers so I might as well put down some of my thoughts here. Today was elections, and first and foremost, congratulations to Nadim, Ben, Weizhe, Weiling, Liyanna and Shijia. I think the decision was a well-made one and I am quite happy with the arrangement. Good luck to you and hopefully, the six of you can bring the rest of the team up to greater heights. You people have the potential to achieve, all you need to do is to aim for your goals and strive towards them.

This goes out to the rest of you all.

SUPPORT the 6 of them in whatever they do. After all, YOU chose them to be your representatives.

I can tell you that I have supported in my captain’s decision since day one. I think this is because I have TRUST in him and his decision-making skills.

So YOU have to TRUST your committee to make the right choices.

But dun be afraid to voice your opinions, after all it is YOUR team, you want the best for everyone right? So discuss and decide on the best solution.

Remember the ABC’s of our club? DUN ARGUE, BARGAIN and COMPLAIN. Especially when your juniors come in next year. It is BAD for them to see a few of their seniors disagree with the captain on something related to training.

UNITY people, you have to show UNITY within the seniors. You have to put up a united front and you all must BELIEVE in the same goals, values, and vision.

Ok I think I have written enough..felt better..time to go back to maths again =D

P.S. – I have capitalize some of the key words that I think are very important.


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