hmm.. to wad tim has said. i juz wan to add tat wad we lack is juz running fit. being fit in da mind and able to be crazy in da mind can onli bring u to a certain limit. its definitely not strong enuff to bring u through da entire race n allow u to outshine others. if the mind is tat tat powerful no one will be trainin n juz visualise at home and do wadeva nots to juz strengthen yr mind n juz go down n row.. RUNNING FIT its blardie important. do u noe rj trainin programme consisit of 4 x 1.6km run every training. do u noe tat nj runs a hell lot. which makes them MORE running fit den everyone else.. being able to run n able to keep yr cardio up means u can pull more strokes wif tat high amt of power n tat u can last longer. cos along da wae no matter how u keep yr mental n everything. yr power will DEFINITELY drop! n our stroke is definitely better than them but we juz lack FITNESS!!
during breaks i also see alot of u pple going to western stall n malay stall. leaving da stall wif a big plate of orange crispy stuff right in da middle of da plate wif fries to go along. or wif a big fat drumstick with chilli sauce, a slice of fish with golden yellow skin. :) sounds good ey. maybe tats wad da j2s eat almost everything. squeezing da orange crispy stuff can produces lots n lots of oil ya! :) good stuff.. shiwei's fav. but u all r still trainin arnt u? u still 2 mths to trainin agains rite.. so y destroy yrself n "retrain" agains during nov dec. whun it be better to control and mantain yr fitness.. :) at da rate some of u r going :) we can haf a good laff in nov n dec when yr training starts.. NO LUNCH TIME PULLUPS. NO LUNCH TIME INCLINES. NO SELF TRAINING. everything will be gone by nov n dec. :) -cheers-
gym is actually not tat useful after all. it onli helps it cannot be used as a most important fer trainin. :) (hc hardly does gym) i oso dun understand y u pple alwaes compare biceps? bigger biceps = great? hmm.. y not compare wif TED. remember. he said. "if yr biceps r bigger than mine. den u can row wif it." biceps is not veri useful during rowing.u can use it. but most of da power will come from da body. unless u can train yr biceps to the size of yr torso :) and someone told me.. last time my biceps damn hard now all soft already. den do something abt it. if u wan da looks :) sitting there n talkin is qt useless ey? but from tim tay's pt of view. bicep is a useless grp of muscle. n we alwaes leave tat station to da last cos he hated it. haha.
anywae does u pple remember wad nik told us? at da jetty. 3x15 pullups a day. if theres 52 weeks (june holi 4 weeks, nov dec 8 weeks, sept 1 week, march 1 week) 38 weeks left. 1 week has 4 daes since u all dun do on weekends n on wednesday. 4 daes left. (38x4=152 days) u will do abt 152x45=6740 shld be correct. pullups a year. plus trainin pull ups plus home trainin. u will easily hit 20000 pullups a year. :) if u tink tat shortage of tis 20000 pullups wun make a difference in yr rowing. think agains :) u r in canoein fer 2 years. which sums up to 40000 pullups. no difference? n in da end at da start line u wonder y pple can burst ahead of u in lyk 6 strokes.
btw fer me n tim other than our heats 1 which we could follow da pack in da starts. in semis n finals. we were thrashed at least by 1 boat length from da 2nd last boat after starts. so we were basically eating backwash right after starts. :) in finals nj was 2 boat lengths ahead right after starts. bah*. tats y we are veri veri bad gauges. blardie tim. y use us fer gauge? alrite. all da best to wadeva tats ahead. do some training. or U (da present J1s) will be as fit as I (da present J2s) haha n i dun tink u wan tat to happen ey :)
train hard guys.u will have vinesh and sam again in 1000m and kevin n partner. (sorry i dunno how to spell but i can pronounce.) in 500m next yr n given 1 more year. they can train harder can improve even more. :) work hard pple. elections on wednesday. tats all. -ter.
during breaks i also see alot of u pple going to western stall n malay stall. leaving da stall wif a big plate of orange crispy stuff right in da middle of da plate wif fries to go along. or wif a big fat drumstick with chilli sauce, a slice of fish with golden yellow skin. :) sounds good ey. maybe tats wad da j2s eat almost everything. squeezing da orange crispy stuff can produces lots n lots of oil ya! :) good stuff.. shiwei's fav. but u all r still trainin arnt u? u still 2 mths to trainin agains rite.. so y destroy yrself n "retrain" agains during nov dec. whun it be better to control and mantain yr fitness.. :) at da rate some of u r going :) we can haf a good laff in nov n dec when yr training starts.. NO LUNCH TIME PULLUPS. NO LUNCH TIME INCLINES. NO SELF TRAINING. everything will be gone by nov n dec. :) -cheers-
gym is actually not tat useful after all. it onli helps it cannot be used as a most important fer trainin. :) (hc hardly does gym) i oso dun understand y u pple alwaes compare biceps? bigger biceps = great? hmm.. y not compare wif TED. remember. he said. "if yr biceps r bigger than mine. den u can row wif it." biceps is not veri useful during rowing.u can use it. but most of da power will come from da body. unless u can train yr biceps to the size of yr torso :) and someone told me.. last time my biceps damn hard now all soft already. den do something abt it. if u wan da looks :) sitting there n talkin is qt useless ey? but from tim tay's pt of view. bicep is a useless grp of muscle. n we alwaes leave tat station to da last cos he hated it. haha.
anywae does u pple remember wad nik told us? at da jetty. 3x15 pullups a day. if theres 52 weeks (june holi 4 weeks, nov dec 8 weeks, sept 1 week, march 1 week) 38 weeks left. 1 week has 4 daes since u all dun do on weekends n on wednesday. 4 daes left. (38x4=152 days) u will do abt 152x45=6740 shld be correct. pullups a year. plus trainin pull ups plus home trainin. u will easily hit 20000 pullups a year. :) if u tink tat shortage of tis 20000 pullups wun make a difference in yr rowing. think agains :) u r in canoein fer 2 years. which sums up to 40000 pullups. no difference? n in da end at da start line u wonder y pple can burst ahead of u in lyk 6 strokes.
btw fer me n tim other than our heats 1 which we could follow da pack in da starts. in semis n finals. we were thrashed at least by 1 boat length from da 2nd last boat after starts. so we were basically eating backwash right after starts. :) in finals nj was 2 boat lengths ahead right after starts. bah*. tats y we are veri veri bad gauges. blardie tim. y use us fer gauge? alrite. all da best to wadeva tats ahead. do some training. or U (da present J1s) will be as fit as I (da present J2s) haha n i dun tink u wan tat to happen ey :)
train hard guys.u will have vinesh and sam again in 1000m and kevin n partner. (sorry i dunno how to spell but i can pronounce.) in 500m next yr n given 1 more year. they can train harder can improve even more. :) work hard pple. elections on wednesday. tats all. -ter.
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