ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Off Season

hey guys its me again and here i am to expound on the virtues of off season training.

basically, off season training is real easy. the principle behind it is that if u pia during off season (when u still have that fitness base from nationals) and increase/maintain that fitness base, then when training resumes, you will be the king of the hill. this is something which has stood me in good stead, especially in my transition from rj to ac canoeing. back in rj, we did quite a bit of off season training for the J1s. this gives you a gd fitness base to work with and we all know that in sports, the aerobic, or fitness base is the most important base of all.

therefore i urge you J1s and now J2s, to get off yer lazy asses and do some Real work. no, not lameassed "i-went-to-the-gym-and-bummed-for-2-hours" crap but real work like running and swimming and basically doing what your ancestors did to get tough.

look guys, gym is good----good for making you look good. but we all know that what looks good may nto perform well. granted, gym has its merits, but you guys arent traiing to be weight.lifters or bodybuilders so if u want abs, get them after u leave the club.

canoeing is mainly about aerobic fitness. whats the point of doing your 1rep max and having a shoulder press of 90,000 tons for one rep if you cant sustain that power for the whole sprint.

lets look at some figures here.

using terence and me as a gauge....(not a good one at that, we're quite lousy)

we rotate about 492 times during a 1 kilometre race. 492 times counting one on each side.
now, this kind of power is done submaximally. we dunt do one rep maxes for 492 times. its humanly impossible (ONE rep MAX)

so, your muscles have to become efficient at producing power at very high outputs (although not maximum) for a sustained period of time. not only does it have to do that, but it has to increase (never decrease cos youll decrease naturally) during hard tens and last bursts.

now, looking at what ive just said, dunt u think you need to get just that leeetle bit fitter?

nj has shit strokes and they go cos they rotate fast, constant output means their boat constantly surges, unlike yours. with your good stroke, long and powerful, you can rape them if u only were fitter.

for those of you 500m racers that think that fitness is only in the vocabulary of the 1000m racers, think again. a 1000m race is 70% aerobic, 30%anaerobic. a 500 m race is 65%aerobic, 35%anaerobic.

now, if i recall my maths before i dropped it at the end of J1, 65 is still larger than 35, which means u need a helluva lot of cardio to race the 500m. in fact, in a way, a 500m race is more intensive than a 1000m simply because you rotate at a higher speed and you put in more power per stroke. yes guys, if u think ter an my rotation is high, remember that we are 1000m racers. u do a 500, ure gonna have to go faster than that,

but dunt sacrifice rotation for strokes, ever. youll just become tired and eat backwash. but you'll find that out yourself.....

anywae thats not the point of this post,. the point of this post is to get you guys to get moving.

ive been asking some juniors about their training.

Kenneth---I dont do home training and lunchtime pull ups (then why dunt u get the hell out?)

Chong---i go to the gym. (well, i dunno what u do Inside the gym, but i think u shud do more stuff Outside the gym. like Running, for example)

now, i dunt really have the heart to look for more jokers to ask cos i believe you guys are all slacking and wasting away your good work (if u did any work at all) for some nagging reason, i have the feeling you guys are eating like pigs, not keeping to the diet, and definitely not doing your training.

now, what the hell is wrong with you? or is it me? yea , maybe its me. yea, tim tay is crazy, isnt he? he's the joker that does all the crazy stuff. well guys, looks like being "crazy" only got me to third. you have vinesh again in 1000m and kevin an his partner in 500m next yr, plus the rj T2s ,

now, what the hell are u gonna do about this? are u gonna just sit on your asses cos i know for sure they arent gonna sit on theirs.

if u want to be last in yer heats (oh sorry, maybe you can beat vjc or cjc an come in second last) then u shud continue your lovely ways.

kenneth(the coach) already has a headache trying to get you guys to shape up and be focused. please dunt add to people's stress levels.

elections are on wednesday. frankly speaking, its gonna be a case of who's gonna cause the team Less Damage.

PS.buck up guys. theres still hope if u wake up your ideas, stop slacking, and start doing something. doesnt mean that ure an ex canoeisr means u can slack. derwin doesnt slack, melvin heng doesnt slack, the nj rowers definitely dunt slack. so what makes u God?

PPS. if any of u juniors read this, please tell Kenneth (the small one) to buck his socks up. or get the cap to kick him out. same for chong.

PPPS. girls dunt be afraid im not referring to you girls cos i dunno anything bout yer team. this is strictly for the guys only.


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