One Dance Left...
on the morning of the finals, i was just thinking about the song "You Get What You Give", by the New Radicals. the tone just kept jumping around in my head so i dug up my old discman and cd and played it as i went to kallang. haha, thats where the inspiration for the eventual talk with terence came from. (refer to his post and what i said post-finals to juniors) just some trivia for you guys haha.
anywae, the real crux of the post is this. its time to finish the story. i've told my story of how i came into canoeing and how i stayed in canoeing and how its changed me. so this is the story of how it all ends.
there was a boy who wanted to know what does it take to be great. he dreamed of legends and their passing on throughout the annals of history. they achieved immortality because they passed on through the stories of others, and thus they would never die; oh how he wanted to be like that, or at least something close to it.
there was a boy who wanted to know what it takes to be great. he thought that by winning and by being the best, that immortality would be guarenteed. but he found out that meals rust, the names of winners fade and the sdba webpage does not have the timings of past winners.
there was a boy who wanted to know : what does it take, for one to be truly great? he searched for the answers in history, in society, but the only place he forgot to look in was himself.
who is this boy? not me. he represented someone that i hated. he represented an arrogant, immature bastard. and i feared i was like him, all the same.
what happened to the boy? did he die, or did he fade away? the answer is neither, he was always there. hes in there in you and me. we always want to know what we did was worth something. we always want approval and success and glory. don't lie to yourself. deep down inside your soul, you've always wanted the adulation of others, the approval.
and so the story goes....there was a boy, who wanted to be great.
what does it take, to be truly great?
does it take great deeds, or honour, or constant dedication to a cause? yes, these are good things and they must be kept, but they do not make one great.
then one day, the boy found his answer. it came to him not in his sleep, for dreams are easily forgotten and stored in dusty recesses of the mind when confronted with the sharp, piercing brightness of daylight. it came to him not when he was awake, for the sights and sounds and pressures of life bombarded him from all corners. it came to him not when he was eating, or bathing, or in any of those quiet moments in your life.
the answer finally came when he started to listen to himself speak. not Himself, mind you, thats just you talking to yourself. but himself. without the capital letters.
for within us, when we look inside ourselves, we see who we truly are. and that is all too human. there are no real gods or goddesses inside us.
the funny thing is, when u acknowledge that you are human and fallible, you gain soemting from your humanity that the gods could never have. for being human is to have passion, to have the human spirit, to know that even if you are outmatched and you are going to fail, youre still gonna go down there and give them a right good fight---and win.
the gods can only win one way. there is only one way for them to be truly great. and that is to be perfect.
but for us humans, there are other ways to be great.....
the question is this : "what does it take to be truly great?"
the other question is this : "Where does greatness even come into the picture?"
heres another one : "Who the hell do you think you are?"
so, if u want me to get right to the point, this is it. don't be great. don't pursue greatness because its like water. the tighter you grab it, the easier it will flow out of your hand. but then again, greatness was never really the point, was it? i hope it wasn't for you, or else you'd have as long a story as mine!
so this is how the story ends. a boy wanted greatness and he didnt get it. he tried many ways but they all failed.
the end.
but the story always has to have a moral, right? or else it wouldn't be a Real story.
so maybe the moral is this. or maybe there are many morals. it is up to you to tell your own story and then You Get what you Give.
the moral of the story is this. there was a boy, who wanted to be great. he failed. but in the end, the boy wasn;t a boy any longer. the boy became a man.
The boy is dead. long live the boy.
Let's Go AC.
Dream the dreamer's disease
have the courage to stand firm and never waver
and so the story ends. and my dance is finished.
anywae, the real crux of the post is this. its time to finish the story. i've told my story of how i came into canoeing and how i stayed in canoeing and how its changed me. so this is the story of how it all ends.
there was a boy who wanted to know what does it take to be great. he dreamed of legends and their passing on throughout the annals of history. they achieved immortality because they passed on through the stories of others, and thus they would never die; oh how he wanted to be like that, or at least something close to it.
there was a boy who wanted to know what it takes to be great. he thought that by winning and by being the best, that immortality would be guarenteed. but he found out that meals rust, the names of winners fade and the sdba webpage does not have the timings of past winners.
there was a boy who wanted to know : what does it take, for one to be truly great? he searched for the answers in history, in society, but the only place he forgot to look in was himself.
who is this boy? not me. he represented someone that i hated. he represented an arrogant, immature bastard. and i feared i was like him, all the same.
what happened to the boy? did he die, or did he fade away? the answer is neither, he was always there. hes in there in you and me. we always want to know what we did was worth something. we always want approval and success and glory. don't lie to yourself. deep down inside your soul, you've always wanted the adulation of others, the approval.
and so the story goes....there was a boy, who wanted to be great.
what does it take, to be truly great?
does it take great deeds, or honour, or constant dedication to a cause? yes, these are good things and they must be kept, but they do not make one great.
then one day, the boy found his answer. it came to him not in his sleep, for dreams are easily forgotten and stored in dusty recesses of the mind when confronted with the sharp, piercing brightness of daylight. it came to him not when he was awake, for the sights and sounds and pressures of life bombarded him from all corners. it came to him not when he was eating, or bathing, or in any of those quiet moments in your life.
the answer finally came when he started to listen to himself speak. not Himself, mind you, thats just you talking to yourself. but himself. without the capital letters.
for within us, when we look inside ourselves, we see who we truly are. and that is all too human. there are no real gods or goddesses inside us.
the funny thing is, when u acknowledge that you are human and fallible, you gain soemting from your humanity that the gods could never have. for being human is to have passion, to have the human spirit, to know that even if you are outmatched and you are going to fail, youre still gonna go down there and give them a right good fight---and win.
the gods can only win one way. there is only one way for them to be truly great. and that is to be perfect.
but for us humans, there are other ways to be great.....
the question is this : "what does it take to be truly great?"
the other question is this : "Where does greatness even come into the picture?"
heres another one : "Who the hell do you think you are?"
so, if u want me to get right to the point, this is it. don't be great. don't pursue greatness because its like water. the tighter you grab it, the easier it will flow out of your hand. but then again, greatness was never really the point, was it? i hope it wasn't for you, or else you'd have as long a story as mine!
so this is how the story ends. a boy wanted greatness and he didnt get it. he tried many ways but they all failed.
the end.
but the story always has to have a moral, right? or else it wouldn't be a Real story.
so maybe the moral is this. or maybe there are many morals. it is up to you to tell your own story and then You Get what you Give.
the moral of the story is this. there was a boy, who wanted to be great. he failed. but in the end, the boy wasn;t a boy any longer. the boy became a man.
The boy is dead. long live the boy.
Let's Go AC.
Dream the dreamer's disease
have the courage to stand firm and never waver
and so the story ends. and my dance is finished.
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