ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

well now (part 2)

hmm, this might get quite long, but i think the blog needs some revival anywae....

so i guess thats the story of how i got into canoeing in the first place. by accident. or by fate, if u believe in such things as fate.

how i stayed there is another story.

i think the one thing that bonded us together was when the seniors told us, right from the very start , that it was "going to be your team". this gave us a sense of belonging to the team immediately. the one policy that rj has is that the seniors train at different times from the juniors. this is so as to ensure sufficient boats and that juniors didnt interrrupt training. we found this fine , really cos we had our own fun.

the introduction was short and simple. "hi im chengxun" (treasurer and one half of the godlike T2 pair) "im kaywee, the vice cap" (and my inspiration along with hongcheong, who was the captain) another guy who looked nerdy and scrawny but could do a flag and perfect chinups was Roy, K1 specialist and the guy who put me in my place. respect.

they took us on a warm up run and thru warmups, then set the programme, told us to get to know each other, and left. and that was that.

i smiled a bit, said hi a bit, then started doing pull ups. no discipline. no need for discipline. in fact, our team ran on a concept of no discipline and all competition and fun and talk cock.

we would play cards during non training hours at the pull up bars and the losers would do pull ups. they did about 200 using that method. i stood there for 3 hours pulling 500. but i found out later that it was a useless exercise in futility. still, doing 500 gives u mental toughness of sorts, along with painful hands. strangely enough, i didnt ache, mebbe cos too shagged.

we cursed like sailors. slapped each others asses wile doing pull ups and called each other pussies. and we chionged and died together. life was very simple.

we did stupid things like trying to see if we would do 100 pull ups in 10 min after water training. and running till we got lung burn and blue in the face. chest pain, heart pain also continue running , cos when the mouth feels dry and your throats scorching, theres no better feeling than the wind against your face. your spit threatens to overflow and u just spit anywae and run, cos someones coming up behind you and youre gonna be the pussy...

and then after training wed go to Ghim Moh market and eat like faggots. wed laugh and talk mroe cock and aftrer a while our seniors would come from their traiing and eat as well. then they would go back to school to study. we went home and slept like the innocent J1s we were.

i suppose there comes a time in life when you wake up one day and u realise your dream is shattered. that kind of came with my posting to acjc. i appealed, but the bastard vp never even batted an eyelid when he told me he was "sure i would do my other school proud" and then shook my hand.

what do you do when the thing you've been living and breathing and eating for the past 3 months is taken away from you? the feeling is like living in a hole without air and your stomach feels like its been sucked out from under you. i gave myself to rj canoeing and the school took it away from me. that was one of the reasons i found it so hard to fit in and such a long time passed before i even began to speak to my teammates here (about 1 year) i felt like i was living in a dream. where i used to turn left at the mrt station, i now turned right.


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