ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Saturday, June 26, 2004

One of many missing ingredients

When I coached Bill, Kelvin and Eugene, they all had alot of hunger, and the right attitude. However what they lacked were sparring partners.

I told them that out there, in the water, they had to play it a little sly and find their benchmark; their prey, so to speak and make it their goal to overtake them in a lap and do better than them.

Of course that was nothing as compared to trying to compete with each other in the spirit of friendly competition. B, K and E did not have that because for one, Eugene could not train as often as he should have and Bill & Kel's K2 had no equal in the club. the T2 boats were a different class of boats.

If the rowers of our club can have the kind of "I'll NEVER let so-and-so take me in a lap!!!" attitude I can guarantee you guys that you people will fly within a month! Change your mindset. I told the J2 girls that they must never ever think that guys being guys by right will beat them. I think they get it.

For the J2 guys, if the very idea of girls thrashing you does not give you an idea of how low you are in the food chain and does not hurt your male pride one bit then you'll be slaughtered in the race.

Shiwei, weiyuan, you guys were ahead of the pack in March. Now? Don't you want it back? I'm saying this because I am starting to feel desire burning in zhenghao and alex... And you guys may run the risk of being last of the K2 in terms of performance.

When any of you launch off from the beach, do you carry with you an air of superiority? Not arrogance but superiority. "I WILL BE THE BEST, AND NO ONE'S GONNA TAKE ME IN THE WATER"

If Shiwei and weiyuan, Tim and Terence, Zhenghao and Alex can rev up that predatory instinct then out there in the lap, you will die die won't let go of your lead no matter what. This applies to all rowers, including J1's

Does it mean that if their guys they should beat you? Does it mean if their in K2 they should beat you? does it mean if you're using a powermaster paddle they should beat you? Reprogram yourselves ppl.

BTW, thanks 'James'


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