ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Friday, June 25, 2004

Talking Online

was talking to my rj canoeing friend online tonight and well, somehow i always have mixed feelings when i talk to him.

on one hand, i feel envious because his J1s are doing so well. theyre a bunch of crazy psychos. he tells me 4 or 5 of them can hit 30 to 40 pull ups already and that one of them has displaced him from his place in his T2.

apparently, the J1 was deemed to be able to 'work better' with his previous partner as compared to him. feel really sorry for him. apparently the J1 can match his speed. another J1 can surpass his speed all cos theyre crazy.

i look at our own team and i realise that this situation would somehow never happen in our team. not like in his team, where its dog eat dog and only the best survive. i was shocked at his fate but he seemed to accept it pretty calmly like its normal. maybe ive been softened in this team as well. being a J2, the thought of not being able to compete or being displaced by a J1 has never crossed my mind, unlike when i was back there, when we were all fighting to break into the team.

it could be because the ethos here is different from there. over here, team building, character building is emphasized whereas last time it was balls to the walls and you took your partner and your friends and then you laughed about it later on about how you both died.

we all had a lot of fun

and im wondering why im not having as much fun as before. im not trying to put anyone down over here, but i can sort of see that that kinda do or die spirit isnt very solid here.

i remember when terence and me first got into a K2 after sdba. we were the latest K2 pair. i dunt think that ive seen a K2 pair in our team get together that late before and everybody thought we wouldnt make it. i remember nik being dismissive (haha you were a bit lah) and he concentrated more on shiwei and weiyuan's K2.

and right from the very first training i remember telling terence we would beat them eventually and terence, in his usual terence-like manner, went "we'll just trash them man!"

and we were beaten by them in that first training. balance not there, rhythmn not there, stroke not there, cannot coordinate, strokes different.

but i enjoyed it cos finally we had somebody to beat, and so we worked hard. managed to merge better and now we arent far behind them at all.

but to my surprise , on their part, somehow they didnt take us back. they didnt aim to trash us by many boatlengths or do anything out of the ordinary to make sure we wouldnt even see their boat. they just sat there and took it.

look guys, im not putting you down or anything. i love you and i respect you as my teammates but its just that ive been reminded of ol times where it was fun to beat each other. where it was fun to laugh at each other and then buckle down and chiong like madmen.

and i remember throughout my J1 year, i was wondering why couldnt i get the same feeling here. why do we always stop at certain sets or certain numbers and we never go past them.

why do we always do the usual 3 sets 17 or whatever during lunchtime. why not 3 sets 30? or 6 sets 30? or 3 sets 1 min pull till your arms fall off?

and the biggest question of all is why does everyone seem to die at a set moment of time? is it because we always have the same routines? the same challenges, such that it is no longer challenging?

i admit i get very sian diao during warm ups cos its always the same 15 sets pushups, 15 sets situps and i find myself falling into a pattern and not really striving, just hanging on till it finishes and i can get in the water an do some rowing.

personally, i find that when i do my own programmes on my own time, i improve a lot faster and i feel a lot more motivated than when i do the same trainings over again and again. i dunt know if you guys feel the same way or not.

i know that there is a system in place and its better for everyone to follow the system because its orderly and we can get things done faster, but somehow....i dunno, the system is good, but it only takes you so far. i always believed rules and records were there to be broken.

so i guess you could say my hope for this team is for each and everynone to break his own boundaries and travel his or her own personal journeys. and do it fast, cos theres only about 3 weeks left for intensive training, only 3 weeks left for your body to grow before you must allow it rest before competition.

good luck to us guys, the rest are coming at us real soon, sooner than you think, faster than you know, harder than you can imagine.


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