ACJC Canoeing and DragonBoat Team 2005

Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Training Program for 25 Oct

  1. 2km runs (average lap for guys 1:45; for girls 2:30)
  2. 1 set 5432
  3. Pullups 3 sets 15 for guys; girls 3 set 7
  4. Gym - 5 BX
  5. Ckts: 20,20,10; 20,20,8, 10,10,5
Gym(5BX) 3sets 1 min
  1. benchpress
  2. shoulderpress
  3. upright row
  4. bicep curls
  5. seated row

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Program for open hse demo

Gym demo
20reps 80%
  1. 1set max pullups
  2. Bench press
  3. Shoulder press
  4. Seated row
  5. Upright row
  6. Lats pulldown
  7. Bicep curls
  8. Wrist curls
  9. 2sets 15 pullups after weights

Land Demo

  1. Dry rowing-dboat and canoeing
  2. 1sets 54321
  3. Ckts:
  4. 20,20,10
  5. 15,15,8
  6. 10,10,5
  7. Medicine balls

Monday, October 18, 2004

the importance of being earnest

hey guys now that your promos are over, i hope that you passed cos if u didnt, i heard 3% of those who failed are going to be retainees and the 97% left are gonna be expelled.

so well, if ure one of the few people left, congrats

if not, than always remember that you have the power to make the best of any situation. poly isnt a bad option. for some of you, it is a better environment cos its more "free" and "open" in nature. so yea, i guess life sometimes throws you a curveball but that doesnt mean you cant still hit a home run on it.

assuming you still continue in acjc canoeing and dragonboat, i do hope that you will be true to yourselves and hold the flag high for us in the years to come.

you guys are supposedly seniors now but i dont think that any of you will grasp that concept just yet. not at least until your first juniors start pouring in and then leaving cos they find traiing too tough/parents/teachers...blah blah. you wunt feel the emotional turmoil just yet of having your training disrupted for these "lanjiaos"

but thats another matter. really the importance of this post is just to remind you guys of the importance of being earnest. that is, being earnest with yourselves. if you guys stil lack the required standard needed in canoeing, that is, you still dont know your stroke, you still are crap at fitness, then i do suggest u start doing drastic things about it now. starting training again is always a pain in the ass. youll definitrely feel like puking on your viery first , second and maybe up till 5th training. so if u dunt feel like puking, then something is wrong---with you.

please do not make the same mistake as your seniors. we all thought there was a lot of time left till the juniors came in and as such, our fitness was not as ideal as it should be. you guys should have a team benchmark and a personal benchmark.

for me, the benchmark was always my seniors and here are a few stats for you guys:

2.4 run: fastest time by hong cheong, 8 min 24 sec. average senior ran about 9 plus minutes
pull ups:most ive heard of by Ganesh, 50. average senior pulling around 22 to 26
situps:dunno how to measure. make sure u can do at least 150 straight or ull crap out in front of your juniors. and need i mention that the driving force comes from your tummy?
pushups: try to hit at least 10 sets continuosly by end of december

yea that was the team standard back then. individually, its up to you guys to set your own standards. your own standard should be higher than the team standard obviously.

but again, these are all that. suggesstions. i remember i hated my seniors for being busybodies and trying to be smart and giving smart suggesstions but hey, im just doing my job.

just want to warn you of the fact that time is NOT on your side. consider the other teams. if in any way you THINK they are better skilled, stronger or fitter than you at ANY ONE POINT, then i guess you have to do soething about it.

and even if u are better skilled/fitter/stronger, theyre gonna catch up mighty fast.

in any case, nj has a few national rowers next year and peeps from acs i and chinese high may defect to them as well, which means interesting times ahead of you guys.

so train hard, train right and be a good example to your juniors. i wish you all the best.

Friday, October 15, 2004

ok. no more dead blog. but im supposed to be mugging math now..

hm. well well. dear juniors- no, new seniors! your promos are over. your results will be back soon. and if you're still with us, then it's back to training. that's when the fun starts.

regarding the idea of making this something other than an information blog: go ahead. but be careful.

  1. remember that other people read this blog. they will read this blog because it is public. there is a reason as to why this is called the WORLD wide web. i am very sure people other than ourselves will read it. why am i so sure? because i've gone to the nj canoeing website (dead in action, last updated 2002 i think), i've gone to an rj blog that is maintained by 3 ex-rowers currently in ocs and i've stumbled across more than one blog that belongs to other rowers. people out there probably type 'canoeing' into google's search engine and press the button and read every page that comes up. if you want to display us as a fun team with a sense of humour, go ahead. it'll do wonders for our pr.
  2. but also keep in mind that what you post goes a long way. if you've gone to ter's blog and found the link to this rj rower's blog, and seen the very interesting skin that has two girls kissing, then you'll know what i mean. the girl claims it to be out of sheer artistic interest. maybe so. the picture displays sensuality and strength; nothing degrading like porn. but it does make you feel uncomfortable about the rower herself. if you're fine with dumping media of that nature on this blog and having others from our conservative cheena-babi society see it, go ahead.
  3. just to use delly's eg. the comment about the nj rower could be taken out of context. last year i found some cj rower's blog that dissed one of our boats (lanxi and sab's k2) for coming in last at nationals and she went harping on about it. turned out lots of pple left comments on that post to flame her for being so tao. i actually sent her a message to clarify the situation then. turns out she hadn't meant anything offensive at all.. was totally apologetic about it. so watch your language.
  4. in a way, this is an official acjc canoeing blog. it's not meant for us to blab our personal grieviances against other rowers or what. it's meant as a medium for coach to talk to rower, ex-rower to ex-rower, senior to junior and vice-versa. i think anything else other than rowing-related stuff would probably be best kept to our personal blogs. then again, that's just me.

just a thought though. i don't think it would be possible to do 2 s papers and still be a canoeist. go ask nanaa. she's busy enough with one. the seniors are dying already with 3 subjects and no s-paper. 4 subs is bad. 4 subs and s-paper managed well is superhuman. beyond that doesn't bear thinking about. not that you all shouldn't reach for the best and try your hardest. i hope and pray that you all will do well for your promos. i really do. =D

hmm.. ted! if there's a camp can the seniors come back and help pleeeeeeeease? we promise to be good people. *angelic grin* and can we help out next year also? only if you would like us to that is.
oh. and i doubt the j2s are shrinking. i think my tummy's got more fat now. haven't been doing that many situps. arms still as thicker than my neck (or so my friend claims) so that means i haven't decreased in size there. let's not even talk about the j2s who are gaining weight instead of losing it. *wink wink guess which senior girl gained alot?*


to the j2s: let's not get too fat. mugmugmug. DON'T GIVE UP. BUILDING UP FOR LAST BURST. CAN MAKE IT. one two three. SHA SHA SHA.

thank you. *goes off to do calculus*

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Suggestions for a camp

I have made tentative arrangements with Mr Sun about a camp. It may or may not happen but still it's always good to plan ahead of time. Since most of you(J1s) are reaching the end of your promos soon, i do like to have some suggestions for the programme. Some of you will be chosen, if it is approved, to make it happen.

Aim for this camp:
  1. Teamwork
  2. Team Spirit
  3. Setting your goals
  4. Learn how to be a coach yourself(i hope)
  5. Fun
  6. FUn
  7. FUN