Training Program for 25 Oct
- 2km runs (average lap for guys 1:45; for girls 2:30)
- 1 set 5432
- Pullups 3 sets 15 for guys; girls 3 set 7
- Gym - 5 BX
- Ckts: 20,20,10; 20,20,8, 10,10,5
- benchpress
- shoulderpress
- upright row
- bicep curls
- seated row
Believing in oneself and encouraging everyone else...
Land Demo
hm. well well. dear juniors- no, new seniors! your promos are over. your results will be back soon. and if you're still with us, then it's back to training. that's when the fun starts.
regarding the idea of making this something other than an information blog: go ahead. but be careful.
just a thought though. i don't think it would be possible to do 2 s papers and still be a canoeist. go ask nanaa. she's busy enough with one. the seniors are dying already with 3 subjects and no s-paper. 4 subs is bad. 4 subs and s-paper managed well is superhuman. beyond that doesn't bear thinking about. not that you all shouldn't reach for the best and try your hardest. i hope and pray that you all will do well for your promos. i really do. =D
hmm.. ted! if there's a camp can the seniors come back and help pleeeeeeeease? we promise to be good people. *angelic grin* and can we help out next year also? only if you would like us to that is.
oh. and i doubt the j2s are shrinking. i think my tummy's got more fat now. haven't been doing that many situps. arms still as thicker than my neck (or so my friend claims) so that means i haven't decreased in size there. let's not even talk about the j2s who are gaining weight instead of losing it. *wink wink guess which senior girl gained alot?*
to the j2s: let's not get too fat. mugmugmug. DON'T GIVE UP. BUILDING UP FOR LAST BURST. CAN MAKE IT. one two three. SHA SHA SHA.
thank you. *goes off to do calculus*