Training 8/11/04
- Warms ups (10min)
- 1 set 54321 alternate pushups and crunches (20min)
- 4 rounds track;guys 1:45 per round, girls 2:30 (10min)
- Gym (look below) (60min)
- 3 sets circuits(Look below) (20min)
- Gym 15,15,12 reps: (60min)
- 10 pullups
- Benchpress
- Shoulder press
- Seated row
- Upright Row
- Lats pull down
- Snatch
- Bicep curls
- Hyperextension X 20
- Dips guys15 girls 10
- Rotary torso
- Situps 20
Round the world:
4 stations:
- Pushups
- Crunches
- Burpees
- Flutter Kick
Each set is one round of the track. Carry out each station after every 100m. since the team is small. Guys one row and girls one row. Nadim and liyanna beware of this; do at your own discretion.
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